T-Shirts & Other Merch

T-Shirt: Fall 2022 A little bit of backstory… the logo is a product of five people, including two of my students. The screw idea (from our principal) was a compromise from another idea. (Avila Design did the logo/branding and screenprinting.)

The t-shirt was initially thought of as a necklace with three screws (the three representing the three main characters) by one of the Dare Cycle students. (T-shirt co-designed by Aaron Minier.)

The design was used in two lessons over the summer: Contrast Storytelling and the Analogy lesson (that one was started last Fall). With Contrast Storytelling, we need to know the two opposing forces immediately. With the Analogy lesson, we answered the question: How is a student like a screw? They are hard, stubborn and take effort (but being stubborn can be a good thing).

Based on the Contrast Storytelling lesson, we had the students design their own version of the t-shirt. Then they voted for the winner.


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