Design & Costume Design

The Design department (especially) works under one general principle: The closer you get to something, the more you learn about it, the same way a really specific description provides clarity. The students not only are designing the Dare Cycle world, but they also know what type of leather is used on a pair of sneakers. One student designed a handheld video game system from scratch, made a physical model of it, and can explain everything about it in detail. He called it his up-close design.

(The cover art for Dare Room, our podcast, was designed using analogy lessons. The students also photographed the reference picture for artist Michael D. Johnson.)

The Costume Design team has contributed to the Dare Cycle’s art direction, a 64-count crayon world of specific possibilities versus an 8-color crayon world of general (passive language) descriptions. The distinction was born from a lesson about explaining how using contrast, essential to showing without telling, can be used in writing and art design.

Logo & Branding: Avila Design Co.

Concept Art/T-Shirt Co-Design: Aaron Minier


Concept Art & Storyboards


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